The MastHead is postioned in the left hand-corner, which is the first page an audience would been directed to. The iconic Rihanna quote 'Whats My Name' is situated behind a yellow block background. Below this 'Rihanna' is presented in light blue in front of a white background- connoting the importance of her name in this double-page spread. The font-size is in proportion to the other text size and main article image.
Main Article Photo
In this issue of 'Vibe' Magaizne, the front cover links to this double page spread (Rihanna features as the main cover image). On the two pages, the image is spread between the two. It makes this image the main focus of the artcile, over the text and the other photos on the far-right. The boldness of her red hair, creates a effective contrast of colours- red and yellow. The shot itself is a close-up, which has been enlarged to fit across both pages and it emphasizes Rihanna's huge success and power.
Cover Lines
As Rihanna is one of the most iconic women R&B singers of this generation, her name backed up with one the most iconic men R&B singers- Drake makes the article of huge appeal for the audience. However Rihanna's name is in capitals unlike to Drakes, suggesting the article will be mainly about the female R&B sensation. The text is in an italic font, making it stand out more, its also larger than the article's text. The cover lines size and font, reflects the importance of Rihanna and her significance in the music industry and article.
The text of the double-page spread article is presented in a tone that suggests a laid back conversation between the encoder and decoder (audience). It primarily is trying to get the audience to buy her album- 'We’ve listened to it 14 times in a row and still don’t hate it’.
The article layout is text situated around the main article photo of Rihanna. On the left corner page the text is the information for which the article was created. On the right side as a plug device, which 'reveals' some of Rihanna's different hair-styles over her years of fame. This is a feature which would mostly appeal to women, it also makes the article more interesting and focuses on a different angle other than Rihanna's success in music. The hair styles analysis is presented on a black box background, backed up by yellow sub-headings and white writing. This article feature could mean 'Vibe' has an advantage over other competitors who don't offer this information of her hair-stlyes. The styles are presented cronologically, as her younger- self is at the top, eventually going down in the years untill now in 2011.
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